Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I beleive

I believe that people today should be more positive. We should look at the good things happening in life instead of the bad things. If you read the news paper or watch the news for just a few minutes you would find at least 6 or 7 bad things happening in the world today and you would be lucky to find only one good happening. Sometimes things don’t always go as planned but Positivity will make you happy and feel much better about a bad situation.

About a year ago I sprained my neck playing football. This was one of the worst pains I have ever felt. I could not even twist my neck slightly to the left. But the worst thing was that I had to stay home for 2 weeks until it healed. Sitting home with a sprained neck is not easy and very boring. But I thought about the good things in life and I always thought that the next day would be better than the last. I stayed positive and got through it day by day. It helped me by making a bad situation fell much better and made it much easier to get through each day. As soon as my neck had healed I went back to school and playing football. Now I try to be positive and I try hard in everything I do.

I try to see the good things in a bad situation. I believe that positivity is powerful and that positivity brings hope into people’s lives. It helps people overcome problems and helps people get through a bad situation.

I chose this picture because it shows that there is always something good in the worst of situations and you should always stay positive and focus on the good things.

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