Friday, February 19, 2010

Steve Mccurry

Steve McCurry is an American photojournalist best known for his photography. Capturing the real meaning of human struggle and joy, McCurry explores themes of the resilience of the human spirit in many of his photos. “It is the stubborn and unassailable conviction – the ability to endure almost anything – that defines the Afghan soul and my fascination with it.- Steve McCurry”

A photo that really captured my eye is the one where children are climbing and hanging all over an abandoned tank.

This photo shows 5 children climbing and hanging all over an abandoned tank. The tank cuts right across the photograph and far in the background there is a city. The cloudless blue sky above them and the dry hot sand underneath them makes this place looks like a very difficult place to live in. this photo also shows the great resilience of the human spirit because these children probably had a very tough life and yet they are still able to bounce back and have fun with their friends. I think Steve McCurry is trying to capture how every child is the same and every child needs to playNo matter how dire the situation, how dangerous the environment, children need to play.”- Steve McCurry ”Whether it is splashing in puddles or climbing on abandoned tanks, their world of make believe is almost as important as food and shelter.” – Steve McCurry. A child may be very different from another, yet every child needs to play – whether it is in play ground or on abandoned tanks.

Another picture that really stands out to me is:

This picture shows a small child no more than 3yrs old hugging a gun. In the back ground there is a man standing behind him holding his head. This photo has an impact on me because I know children should not be at war and when I see this photo I realize that I have so much more than some of the children in 3rd world countries. The most dominant feature in this photo is the child’s eyes; you can almost look into them and see so much about his life. You can see. I think Steve McCurry is trying to capture the boy’s innocents and how he does not know anything else, this is the only thing he has been taught to do.

Overall McCurry’s photos emphasize the struggles and joys of life, just in different people in different cultures. I’ve learnt that McCurry’s work can change lives by showing other people the problems in the world and it makes them want to help the less fortunate. I think McCurry’s work is very special but he is just doing what all the other photographers are trying to do – capturing the moment-

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