Thursday, November 20, 2008


Electricity was one of the most important inventions ever. We use electricity everyday, even sometimes when we don't notice it. Electricity was first noticed by the ancient Greeks when they found out that there was a static charge when they rubbed an object against rubber. But it was not used until the 18 and 19 centuries. Here are some more interesting facts about ELECTRICITY.
In 1752 Benjamin Franklin invented electricity, but he was the first person to find out what it was and other scientist found out how it worked and other thins about it. So Benjamen Franklin did not actually invent electricity.
Thomas Alva Edison was also an important man that brought electricity to the homes of many people. He invented the light bulb which made it safe to have electricity in houses.
Electricity was a very important invention and most people today would not be able to live without it.

1 comment:

Aaiz said...

The electricity is a very important invention. I like your post alot