Monday, December 1, 2008


Tricko has been our pet for three years and he is a very important family member now. Tricko is not a normal house pet; he is our iguana and he spends most of his time sleeping and eating vegetables and fruits. 3 years ago when we first got Tricko he was only a few inches long and he was very scared of us. He used to bite, scratch and tail whip us. Now Tricko is about 3ft long and is very tamed. Now Tricko can even recognize people he is very unfriendly to the visitor to our house and he hates seeing another iguana.

It was very difficult to convince my mom to get an iguana because she does not really want a pet and she knows that it is a lot of work to have a pet. After a year of convincing my mom finally gave in. We could not get a cat or dog or any animal that has fur because my mom is allergic to animal fur. So we decided to get an iguana. Now Tricko not only our pet but he is also a very important member in our family.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Electricity was one of the most important inventions ever. We use electricity everyday, even sometimes when we don't notice it. Electricity was first noticed by the ancient Greeks when they found out that there was a static charge when they rubbed an object against rubber. But it was not used until the 18 and 19 centuries. Here are some more interesting facts about ELECTRICITY.
In 1752 Benjamin Franklin invented electricity, but he was the first person to find out what it was and other scientist found out how it worked and other thins about it. So Benjamen Franklin did not actually invent electricity.
Thomas Alva Edison was also an important man that brought electricity to the homes of many people. He invented the light bulb which made it safe to have electricity in houses.
Electricity was a very important invention and most people today would not be able to live without it.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Thousands of animals get killed every year by people. People stone dogs and cats, they hack off dogs legs and they chop off parts of the animal. Some people are just so cruel to animals but the S.P.C.A. is a great organization that takes care of abused animals. Only 25% of the animals in the S.P.C.A. get adopted and the other 75% will have to be put to sleep. So help the animals by adopting a dog or cat from the S.P.C.A.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Stuff About me

I chose this picture because it is the best picture to describe me, I LOVE SOCCER!!!
I have been playing soccer for 6 years now and i still love it. My favorite soccer team Arsenal and I play for a soccer team called KLYS (Kuala Lumpur Youth Soccer). SO I LOVE SOCCER!!! Another very important fact about me is love music. My favorite song is "Its My Life" by Bon Jovie. My favorite type of music is pop or rock. I also have a pet iguana called tricko. I've had him for 3 years and he is a important family member. Also i hate manchester united because they are arsenals biggest rivals.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

live a good life

I chose this tittle ("Live a Good Life") because I think everyone should have a good life but not everyone does. when you think you are not having a very good life you should always be positive and think of the good thinks in life.