Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Stolen Generation

years after the British had arrived at Australia, they wanted to wipe out the aboriginal race. their goal was to breed out the natives by breeding them with white people until the 'black' is gone. the British settlers had stolen many of the half-caste children from their families and brought them to camps, where they were forced to speak English and they learnt how to be slaves to the British. After watching the movie The Rabbit Proof Fence, I feel that all Australians should show some empathy for the aboriginals and give them an apology. I know that the British thought that what they were doing was the right thing and they thought that they were helping the aboriginals by bringing them into their community and making them British. But i believe that it is always immoral to separate a child from its home and from its family and this is what the British-Australians did to thousands of aboriginal children. i know that no one can replace the whole generation of aboriginals but maybe a sorry will make things just a little bit better for the aboriginals.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


the movie "Rabbit Proof Fence" takes place in Australia in the 1900's. it is about a half cast, girl named molly and her 2 sisters who have been brought to a camp where they are forced to be proper English women. Molly is the protagonist in this movie and in my opinion she is also the hero as she is the one who encourages her sisters to leave the camp and to run back to her family. i think that molly is the hero as the movie is from the aboriginal's point of view and it makes the english look bad. But if the movie were made from the english point of view, Molly would be the antagonist as she runs away from them when the english think they are helping the half casts.