Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Brunelleschi's Dome

Brunelleschi, one of the most famous architects in the Renaissance period. I believe that it was his courage that led him to this success. One of Brunelleschi's greatest achievements was the construction of the great cathedral dome. This was so amazing at the time because it was the first dome ever built and before that people did not think it was possible. Brunelleschi was brave to keep going with his ideas even though everyone else did not believe him. When Brunelleschi first came up with the idea to build the largest free standing dome, he went to ask for a commission. But the patron rejected him as he thought it was impossible. But his courage allowed him to continue with is plans and 13 years later he challenged the patron to balance an egg on its top. The patrons tried but could not manage to balance an egg on it top so Brunelleschi showed them by cracking the bottom of the egg to make it stand. He told them that that was how he was going to make the dome. he was then commissioned to make the dome. Brunelleschi persisted and finally finished the dome in 1436 and it still stands today. Brunelleschi's courage to go against what other people believed made him a true genius.