Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Compliment Guy

The Compliment Guys are 2 high school students who just stand out on the streets with a big signs saying "Free compliments" and they gist give a compliment to anyone who walks by. I like how these two students just stand out there for hours trying to make people happier. I think it is right how the article says "Not enough people do nice things anymore." And if every one does something nice to someone every day the world would be much more peaceful. Now many people are very sad and have many problems in their lives but if you just give them a compliment you would make his/her day so much better.

I chose this picture because it shows how a person feels when you give him a compliment. When you see some one so happy when you give them a compliment you want to give out more compliments.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Name

My name is Erik

I have always liked my name ever since I learned how to say it. My name is Scandinavian, meaning honourable ruler. The meaning of my name doesn’t really relate to me now, but it might later on in life. Sometimes people spell it with a “C” but my parents spelled it with a “K” because it is the Scandinavian way of spelling it and all my brothers also have“K” in their name. There is no real story on how my parents chose my name . They just found my name and thought it sounded good. Erik is a scandinavinavian name and my father is also Scandinavian so there was a connection. Some positives about my name are that it is short, easy to remember and very easy to say. I have never been teased about my name because it is too short to make fun of. Before I wrote this I never knew anything about my name, I hear it every day but I have never really thought about it. My name was like some random person you see on the streets, you know it’s there, but you don’t know anything about it. Now that I understand it more I know that “Erik” fits me perfectley

My last name is Dahl. My last name is also Scandinavian but it doesn’t really have a meaning. It is a unique name and can be hard to say. In Korea none of my teachers could say my name. My last name is like the number 1 it is a one syllable boring name. Roald Dahl (a famous writer) also has my last name. I used to think that my last name was weird and strange but now i have grown to like it. Now I think of my last name as a never ending road. My last name has been passed on for many generations and it has fallen to me
I chose this picture because i described my name as a never ending road.