Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Malaysia Week 2009!

This Malaysia week our group traveled to the east coast of Malaysia to an island called Redang. But to get to Redang we had to be on a 8 hour bus ride and then go on a 1 and a half hour boat ride. The bus ride was so boring, most of us were sleeping, playing cards or reading books. When we were only about half an hour away from the boat it started raining. Then a bolt of lightning struck through the sky, then it started pouring. When we finally got to the boat we moved all our luggage on to the boat and headed toward the island. As soon as we were on the boat we could already feel the big waves crashing into the boat. It was like a 1 and a half hour roller coaster. There were so many holes in the roof and it was raining so hard that all our luggage and our clothes were soaked. almost every one was sea sick but luckily no one threw up.

being on that boat was the worst thing during this Malaysia week and one of the worst boat rides of my life. But the best part of this Malaysia week was the snorkeling and when i saw that huge Moray eel. We went out snorkeling 2 times a day for 4 days and i saw that moray eel on the 3rd day. We were just snorkeling around the reef and we saw many different types of fish and coral. As we kicked our selves further away from the boat we found this big sharp piece of rock. The rock was a plain brown color and there didn't seem to be any sea life on it. But as we swam around the rock we saw this huge brown head sticking out of it. This was the the first moray eel I have seen and I was a very excited. It had its mouth wide open and it looked as if it had 100 small knives sticking out of it. We watched the eel until we had to go back on the boat. Watching this eel was amazing and this was the first moray eel I have ever seen.

this Malaysia week was experience was amazing but next year i want it to me more challenging.