Wednesday, January 14, 2009


This winter vacation was one of the most boring ones ever. I spent most days watching T.V, sleeping and eating but I think the most boring day of the whole vacation was the day before Christmas (Christmas Eve). On that day there was a power cut in my house which lasted for almost 12 hours.

I was watching T.V bored, at about 8:00 AM when everything suddenly turned off. I wondered what had happened but then I realized that it was another one of those power cuts. This usually happens in our house every few months. So I was sitting home, bored and there was nothing to do without the T.V and Without any lights we had to light up the house with candles. I tried sleeping but I could not sleep the whole day. I think that was the most boring day of my life and even going to school might have been better than that day.

The other days of my vacation weren't as boring, but still very boring and I was happy when school started again.

To get through the hardest journeys we take one step at a time, but we have to keep going

I think, my title"To get through the hardest journeys we take one step at a time, but we have to keep going" means to never give up and even when times are hard you have to be positive and think of the good thing in life. Life is a journey and there will be many challenges and obstacles you have to overcome but you have to stay persistent and and you have to get on with life; in order to succeed you have to overcome these challenges. my picture shows a snail trying to cross a big road. The snail is a small slow animal, but even though it is very slow the snail doesn't give up and tries to complete its journey.