Tuesday, October 13, 2009

connecting with people

Matt Harding is this guy who has travled to 70 different countries just to dance. He just dances in front of famous landmarks these countries with people he doesnt even know.
Matt Harding says he does it to bring people together. On the video there was people just dancing, laughing, smiling and just having a good time with matt harding. Even though these people are very different they all are dancing. Matt Harding says that the dancing makes the differenance smaller and they soon forget it.
People all over the world start dancing with Matt Harding. Everyone is different, every one wants the same thing. they want to feel connected with each other. Matt harding has linked almost everyone in the world with just one dance.

Ichose this picture because it shows two different people shaking hand. This shows that every one wants to be connected with each other.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Compliment Guy

The Compliment Guys are 2 high school students who just stand out on the streets with a big signs saying "Free compliments" and they gist give a compliment to anyone who walks by. I like how these two students just stand out there for hours trying to make people happier. I think it is right how the article says "Not enough people do nice things anymore." And if every one does something nice to someone every day the world would be much more peaceful. Now many people are very sad and have many problems in their lives but if you just give them a compliment you would make his/her day so much better.

I chose this picture because it shows how a person feels when you give him a compliment. When you see some one so happy when you give them a compliment you want to give out more compliments.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Name

My name is Erik

I have always liked my name ever since I learned how to say it. My name is Scandinavian, meaning honourable ruler. The meaning of my name doesn’t really relate to me now, but it might later on in life. Sometimes people spell it with a “C” but my parents spelled it with a “K” because it is the Scandinavian way of spelling it and all my brothers also have“K” in their name. There is no real story on how my parents chose my name . They just found my name and thought it sounded good. Erik is a scandinavinavian name and my father is also Scandinavian so there was a connection. Some positives about my name are that it is short, easy to remember and very easy to say. I have never been teased about my name because it is too short to make fun of. Before I wrote this I never knew anything about my name, I hear it every day but I have never really thought about it. My name was like some random person you see on the streets, you know it’s there, but you don’t know anything about it. Now that I understand it more I know that “Erik” fits me perfectley

My last name is Dahl. My last name is also Scandinavian but it doesn’t really have a meaning. It is a unique name and can be hard to say. In Korea none of my teachers could say my name. My last name is like the number 1 it is a one syllable boring name. Roald Dahl (a famous writer) also has my last name. I used to think that my last name was weird and strange but now i have grown to like it. Now I think of my last name as a never ending road. My last name has been passed on for many generations and it has fallen to me
I chose this picture because i described my name as a never ending road.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Malaysia Week 2009!

This Malaysia week our group traveled to the east coast of Malaysia to an island called Redang. But to get to Redang we had to be on a 8 hour bus ride and then go on a 1 and a half hour boat ride. The bus ride was so boring, most of us were sleeping, playing cards or reading books. When we were only about half an hour away from the boat it started raining. Then a bolt of lightning struck through the sky, then it started pouring. When we finally got to the boat we moved all our luggage on to the boat and headed toward the island. As soon as we were on the boat we could already feel the big waves crashing into the boat. It was like a 1 and a half hour roller coaster. There were so many holes in the roof and it was raining so hard that all our luggage and our clothes were soaked. almost every one was sea sick but luckily no one threw up.

being on that boat was the worst thing during this Malaysia week and one of the worst boat rides of my life. But the best part of this Malaysia week was the snorkeling and when i saw that huge Moray eel. We went out snorkeling 2 times a day for 4 days and i saw that moray eel on the 3rd day. We were just snorkeling around the reef and we saw many different types of fish and coral. As we kicked our selves further away from the boat we found this big sharp piece of rock. The rock was a plain brown color and there didn't seem to be any sea life on it. But as we swam around the rock we saw this huge brown head sticking out of it. This was the the first moray eel I have seen and I was a very excited. It had its mouth wide open and it looked as if it had 100 small knives sticking out of it. We watched the eel until we had to go back on the boat. Watching this eel was amazing and this was the first moray eel I have ever seen.

this Malaysia week was experience was amazing but next year i want it to me more challenging.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


This winter vacation was one of the most boring ones ever. I spent most days watching T.V, sleeping and eating but I think the most boring day of the whole vacation was the day before Christmas (Christmas Eve). On that day there was a power cut in my house which lasted for almost 12 hours.

I was watching T.V bored, at about 8:00 AM when everything suddenly turned off. I wondered what had happened but then I realized that it was another one of those power cuts. This usually happens in our house every few months. So I was sitting home, bored and there was nothing to do without the T.V and Without any lights we had to light up the house with candles. I tried sleeping but I could not sleep the whole day. I think that was the most boring day of my life and even going to school might have been better than that day.

The other days of my vacation weren't as boring, but still very boring and I was happy when school started again.

To get through the hardest journeys we take one step at a time, but we have to keep going


I think, my title"To get through the hardest journeys we take one step at a time, but we have to keep going" means to never give up and even when times are hard you have to be positive and think of the good thing in life. Life is a journey and there will be many challenges and obstacles you have to overcome but you have to stay persistent and and you have to get on with life; in order to succeed you have to overcome these challenges. my picture shows a snail trying to cross a big road. The snail is a small slow animal, but even though it is very slow the snail doesn't give up and tries to complete its journey.